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Content Planning

Remove the planning guesswork

What should you prioritize?

Without the right data, you risk chasing topics that aren’t worth your time and effort.

MarketMuse is the only place you can analyze your content while researching topics. You determine what to create and update based on topic value and your content’s performance — all in one place.

Content Planning with and without MarketMuse (click to enlarge)

Build a high-impact content plan in minutes.

Stop spending hours figuring out what topics will achieve your content goals.

MarketMuse provides directional metrics that remove the subjectivity of decision-making. Know what to write and how much, faster.

Fill the holes in your strategy.

As your content inventory grows, it becomes significantly harder to manage. At-risk content gets lost, gaps are harder to find, and new content becomes the default action.

MarketMuse analyzes your content at the site-level to show where you have authority and where you don’t. Customized views reveal quick wins, topics with no content, and pages at risk due to authority or competition.

See how it works

MarketMuse helps me in both the content planning and content optimization process. It essentially automates the SERP analysis process, so I can determine what Google likely considers topically relevant for a given keyword search.
Frank S, via G2

Automated, up-to-date inventories with no manual work for you.

No more manual site crawls and frankensteining datasets from different tools. MarketMuse Inventories are done for you from the start and are updated regularly, so you’re always making decisions based on fresh data.

Personalized metrics you can’t get anywhere else.

Generalized difficulty and authority scores don’t take your domain into account. Personalized metrics based on your content and authority help you make more informed decisions. Prioritize smarter, knowing how hard it will be for YOU to rank.

Inform your content strategy

Automate your content audit